Recipe: Spicy rice&chicken,i created this my self.not sure what name to

Hello everybody, welcome to our recipe site, If you're looking for new recipes to try this weekend, look no further! We provide you only the perfect rice&chicken,i created this my self.not sure what name to recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

rice&chicken,i created this my self.not sure what name to

Before you jump to rice&chicken,i created this my self.not sure what name to recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Ways To Live Green Plus Save Money In The Kitchen.

Until fairly recently anyone who expressed concern about the wreckage of the environment raised skeptical eyebrows. Those days are over, and it looks like we all recognize our role in stopping and possibly reversing the damage being done to our planet. Unless everyone begins to start living much more environmentally friendly we won't be able to correct the problems of the environment. These types of changes need to start occurring, and each individual family needs to become more environmentally friendly. The kitchen area is a good place to start saving energy by going much more green.

You may well prefer cooking food with your oven, but using a microwave instead will cost you way less money. Perhaps the realization that an oven utilizes 75% more energy will stimulate you to use the microwave more. Countertop appliances will boil water as well as steam vegetables more rapidly than your stove, and use a lot less electricity. You might believe that you save energy by washing your dishes by hand, but that is definitely not true. A dishwasher is particularly efficient when it's full before a cycle is started. Conserve even more money by air drying and also cool drying your dishes rather than heat drying them.

From the above it should be clear that just in the kitchen, by itself, there are many little opportunities for saving energy and money. Eco-friendly living just isn't that hard. It's related to being practical, most of the time.

We hope you got insight from reading it, now let's go back to rice&chicken,i created this my self.not sure what name to recipe. You can have rice&chicken,i created this my self.not sure what name to using 11 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook that.

The ingredients needed to make rice&chicken,i created this my self.not sure what name to

  1. Use 4 medium of chicken breast.
  2. Use 3 clove of garlic,chopped.
  3. Prepare 1 large of onion,chopped.
  4. Take 3 tbsp of pepper.
  5. Prepare 1/4 cup of oil.
  6. Get 3 cup of of rice.
  7. Use 2 tbsp of salt.
  8. Use 3 large of tomatoes, chopped.
  9. Provide 2 tbsp of tomato paste.
  10. Provide 1 tbsp of curry powder.
  11. You need 2/3 cup of chopped spring onion&parsley.

Steps to make rice&chicken,i created this my self.not sure what name to

  1. make a pocket in the chicken breast.
  2. add the chopped spring onion and sprinkle with a pinch of salt and pepper.
  3. pour the oil in a frying pan then place the chicken in side,cover and leave it to fry on each side for 15 minutes on a medium heat.
  4. after it than,than place a source pan and pour in oil and then add the chopped onion and garlic.
  5. leave to fry for a minute then add the chopped tomatoes,curry powder and tomato paste allow to cook for 5minutes then add salt and pepper to test.
  6. serve with cooked rice.

If you find this rice&chicken,i created this my self.not sure what name to recipe helpful please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.

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